Find out more about us

We are a registered Non-Governmental Organization and from developing projects aimed at achieving our Mission, to offering education and resources for career development, we strive to support both job candidates and employers.


  • Connect people with global job opportunities
  • Offer resources and education to support career development
  • Eliminate the importance of one's location on the globe when looking for a job

Our Mission

Our mission is comprised of three important pillars:

1. Connecting people with opportunities all over the globe for starting or developing their career. Our main focus are careers in technology-related domains, domains which are in fully ascension and which are highly sought-after both among job candidates, as well as among employers.

2. Offering resources and education that support interested candidates to develop their professional competencies.

3. Contributing to the elimination of the limitations imposed by one's location on the globe when looking for a job, as well enlarging the pool of candidates for employers. Through this, we want to facilitate the ideal match between a candidate and a certain job opening.

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